Sunday, 1 May 2016

Progress Update 01/05/16

This week we have a new version, but not to the standard I am happy with. I was pretty close to not releasing this version, as it doesn't present a ful new feature like have been previously introduced.

As such, I am unwilling to call this new version 0.4 Alpha and am instead naming it 0.38 Alpha. This new version has come a long way since the last, and that's the only reason I'm willing to release it - despite the fact that I haven't had too much time to implement new features this week. My current to-do list is as long as my arm, and I'm really struggling to find enough time in the week to put all of the new ideas in before more get piled on and new art assets come rolling in. Definitely not the worst problem to have, but frustrating nonetheless.

Version 0.38 Alpha sees the first half of regiment creation implemented. In total there will be 4 stages of regiment creation (plus 1 stage of starting a new game): Regiment Selection, Regiment Colouring, Regiment Settings, Leader Setup and then Map Settings. Of these, only the first two stages have been fully implemented as of yet, though the remaining three screens exist to be clicked through.

This version, compared to the last, also includes the new scripting system for regiment setup (which will soon be implemented as a selection box in regiment settings), new regiment management interface features and support for pre-made regiments. Along with this there's a whole host of specifically CM mod updates - new art, sound and text.

Between work and life commitments it's becoming increasingly difficult to fit as much into a week as I would like, but I am hoping to get a guide up shortly (or more likely a standalone software tool) to create new regiment generation scripts so it's easier to handle than the current large blocks of plain text. Fingers crossed, I will also have the full 0.4 Alpha ready by next Sunday.

The newest file can be downloaded here.

*** PATCH NOTES V0.38 ***

Build Version: 0.38 Alpha
Development Name: First Genesis
Download Link:

The rar archive contains all files for a Windows environment build of the core engine with Chapter Master sprites, sound and text in use to test.

  • Added support for new, individual in-game buttons
  • Added support for recursive regiment scripts
  • Added support for additional sounds
  • Added support for regiment creation
    • Regiment selection implemented and will pull pre-made regiments from the mod folder
    • Regiment colouring implemented to allow for custom styling and colouring of the regiment as well as pulling from pre-made files
  • Rearranged regiment management interface to allow for smooth traversal
  • Ensured hard cap of 10 sub-units per unit, with the exception of the parent regiment unit which can contain up to 14 initial sub-units.
  • Fixed issue involving multiple menus
  • Fixed issue involving node popup and buttons disappearing
  • Fixed issue relating to image transparency loading failures
  • Fixed issue relating to catastrophic implosion of the known universes
  • Streamlined regiment loading code
  • Streamlined loading screen to reduce further flicker
  • Optimized the doowidgets

As ever, you can get in touch with me by commenting here or by e-mailling at - I welcome any and all offers of help and support.

That's all for now,
Peace out

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